Photo of Aazaad


Aazaad is not merely a name of a filmmaker or a human being,but a thought meant to be free. Aazaad is free from all types of boundaries. Acreative soul nurtured by Sanatan culture and traditions. His sole purpose andaim is to reestablish the purity of art through cinematic recreation and toinclude the eternal elements of Bharat in the Indian movies.

Aazaad, a student of military school who maintains, preach and practice strictdiscipline in his personal and professional life. Apart from being a creativesoul, Aazaad is a researcher and an original thinker, who has been researchingsince years to explore the Sanatan culture and traditions. After completing hisstudies Aazaad went to an excursion across the length and breadth of thecountry. Aazaad had a quest to know Bharat since his childhood. Aazaad came tothe very conclusion which is against the popular and traditional belief thatcinema is the mirror of the society. No, it's not true, its half-truth. Theabsolute truth is that society is the mirror of the cinema today. Cinema guidesor misguides in every incident good or bad. In the past cinema used to inspirefor the good, but today most of the criminal acts are designed, performed andinspired by films. Social and moral values are degenerating drastically onlybecause of filthy sex culture in films.

Aazaad, as he strongly believes that a great medium of creation like cinema hasbeen polluted by the so called dream merchants in the name of commercialcompulsions. Audience is feeling cheated and frustrated as healthyentertainment seems to be the dream of the past. It's like a disgustingexperience for the civilized family audience to watch a movie with the family.The ticket rates are going sky high but the content is infected by vulgarity.It's a common belief of the so called contractors of art and culture that onlysex sells today. Sex and vulgarity plays the most crucial and decisive part forthe success of a film. Aazaad objects strongly and feels that the audience isalso tired of such horrific and baseless arguments. To entertain and enlightenthe comprehensive audience Aazaad wants to make his own path of creativity.

For the great cause and need of the hour to reinforce nationalism and boost upcultural nationalism Aazaad has created Azad Army. Azad Army is a confraternityof nationalist offspring of mother Bharti, who is bound to discharge theirultimate soulful duties for virtuous remembrance and valuation of the forgottenand unsung hero of this land of the gods - Azad. Bharat is not merely a pieceof land but an eternal culture and journey of freedom. Along with Azad ArmyAazaad also launched a cultural nationalistic revolution Azadi with Aazaad.Aazaad's very purpose is to restore and recreate the Sanatan culture. Thismovement called Azadi with Aazaad has the ambition to promote Sanatan cultureand awareness among the twenty first century students. We are living in thisinformation technology era but it is very sad to understand that afterindependence due to political conspiracy we forgot the glory of our goldenpast. In search of the lost glory, Aazaad toured across the country and donecomprehensive research work to reestablish the Sanatan culture. For the pastseventy years, students of this country are forced to read misleading, derogatoryhistory. They have been kept under the patronage of political conspiracy. Dueto the formation of false mahatmas, the country's great revolutionary andtalented people, sages, warriors, thinkers and social reformers have beenforgotten and dumped in the darkness of selfish politics. Only our apathyshould be blamed for forgetting the country's precious heritage. The youth ofthis twenty first century is in the mood of change. The deeper the roots willbe, the development of the tree will be. The consequences of making SanatanBharat to India is in front of everyone. The real lords, the inheritor of thecountry has been made refuge in its own house. In the name of education whatthe students are getting? Only literacy. This is the moment of renaissance. Inthe darkness of politics, the country's happiness is lost. To awaken theconsciousness of the students towards the nation, to existent Mother Bharatiagain, to upgrade and elevate, and to acquire freedom from slavery and burdenimposed by the so called destiny makers since seventy years Aazaad has takenthe responsibility. The aim of the mission is to acquaint the youth, thestudents with their past glory, their nationalistic pride. Aazaad has startedthis movement Azadi with Aazaad from the so called platform of the antinational JNU with great fanfare and support from the nationalist students. Nowthe campaign Azadi with Aazaad is fast moving forward to communicate directlywith the students in all the major universities of the country. The studentwill be able to feel the very essence of independence with Aazaad. The time hascome to be Free from the burden of historical and existential untruth, to beliberated from appeasement politics, and from inferiority complex of being inthe majority. Come, welcome to this Great War for identity and existence ofSanatan Bharat. Experience the immortality.

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