Photo of Sharon Crandall

Sharon Crandall

Sharon is a stage and screen actor / singer / dancer. She lives in Coquitlam, BC, a city close to Vancouver, BC, Canada. When not working, Sharon enjoys spending time with her two young sons and friends - discovering life through walking, eating, playing games, travelling and kickboxing.

Sharon was born in Jakarta, Indonesia to a family of doctors, dentists and business-people. At six year old, her parents enrolled her in organ lessons and Sharon realized that she had a knack for music. It wasn't until when she moved to Vancouver, Canada at ten years old that she discovered her love for the performing arts. Advised by her grade 5 teacher to join the school choir to help her learn English, Sharon found that she enjoys singing. In grade 7, a friend asked her to audition for the school musical with her. That year Sharon was part of the Junior Ensemble that sang and danced in the opening number of Grease the Musical. This was the beginning of a lifetime in the performing arts.

Sharon attended the University of British Columbia and graduated with a Baccalaureate of the Arts in Psychology. Truth be known, she spent little time with her class work as she spent most of her university time rehearsing, performing, taking dance classes and running the Musical Theatre Society of UBC. It is really a wonder how she graduated at all!

After university, Sharon spent the next decade and a bit performing in stage musicals. It wasn't until a few years after that, under the tutelage of James Kot of McIlroy and Associates, that she developed a love for acting on camera. Ironically, this love for the camera allowed Sharon to flourish as a stage actor (as oppose to a stage musical actor/singer), as well as a screen actor. Now she enjoys her time both on stage and in front of the camera and feels very lucky to call this her career.

When not busy on set or doing a show, Sharon trains with Andrew McIlroy and James Kot at McIlroy and Associates. Sharon is a proud alumni of the Arts Club Actors Intensive (Dean Paul Gibson - Program Director and Scott Bellis - Head Instructor) and the McIlroy and Associates Summer Intensive.
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