Entering the film industry as a child artist, Vijayaraghavan is an Indian actor who works in the Malayalam film industry. Born to famous drama and cinema artist N. N. Pillai, Vijayaraghavan made his debut with Kaapalika in 1973. But it was the 1987 political thriller New Delhi, that brought Vijayaraghavan acclaim and made him a busy actor in the industry. Mostly known for his villainous roles, over the years Vijayaraghavan has appeared in critically acclaimed and commercially successful movies like 1921 (1988), Ramji Rao Speaking (1989), Samrajyam (1990), Kuttapathram (1991), Vietnam Colony (1993), Dhruvam (1993), Mannar Mathai Speaking (1995), Desadanam (1997), Ravanaprabhu (2001), C.I.D. Moosa (2003), Vinodayathra (2007), Chotta Mumbai (2007), Big B (2007), Daddy Cool (2009), and Puthiya Mukham (2009). Vijayaraghavan's recent acting credits include movies like Elsamma Enna Aankutty (2010), Marykkundoru Kunjaadu (2010), Salt N' Pepper (2011), Mayamohini (2012),