Review of movie Amavas

Poster of movie: Amavas
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 08-Feb-2019( 6 years, 28 days ago)
Directed By : Bhushan Patel
Production House : M.R. Shahjahan
Genre : Horror
Lead Role : Nargis Fakhri, Sachiin Joshi, Mona Singh


 If a woman combs her hair at night, it’s sure to attract spirits. This superstition is a continuous trope in this ‘horror’ film and is used to take the story ahead. What about men you ask? Well, men can comb themselves to baldness, and no ghost will ever come knocking. Such hokum is served continuously throughout the horror fest that this film is.

Karan (Sachiin Joshi) and Ahana (Nargis Fakhri) are a couple who are supposed to be in love, but it doesn’t seem like they are. While Karan looks forever unhappy and depressed, Ahana is super-excited and bubbly throughout the film, except for when the ghosts come knocking. Even then, only Ahana seems scared, because Sachiin Joshi as Karan cannot seem to find any other expression. While he is a schizophrenic in the film, he acts more like he is confused except for when he is struck by migraines whenever he hears the tolling of bells. That’s the only time it seems like he is acting. To seek happiness, the duo take a trip to their old summer house in Europe which is haunted.

As far as the horror is concerned, there is nothing to worry about because the ghost is extremely predictable even when it tries to surprise you. While the effects are slick and the ghosts match up to international standards, they cannot save this film from turning into a painful two-hour-long watch.

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