Review of movie Anna

Poster of movie: Anna
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Hollywood
Release Date : 21-Jun-2019( 5 years, 281 days ago)
Directed By : Luc Besson
Production House : Luc Besson
Genre : Comedy
Lead Role : Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans


Russian model Sasha Luss is Anna – an intelligent, highly skilled, lethal assassin. The KGB employs Anna under the mentorship of Olga (Helen Mirren). Hired by a modelling agency, Anna has the perfect cover as she stacks up kills, working closely with her comrade Alex (Luke Evans). But as is the case with spy-thrillers, everything is not as it seems. To reveal any more of the plot would take away the element of surprise, and while that’s generally avoided in assessing a film, it’s a plot device that ‘Anna’ relies heavily upon. Unfortunately, this becomes detrimental. 

Luc Besson has made a career out of female-centric films in the past, and he does well to establish Anna as a determined killer. Sasha Luss has ample moments to showcase her acting and fighting skills and is convincing enough in both areas, although the role demands a far more experienced and nuanced performance. Being paired with Helen Mirren certainly helps the newcomer, especially as the veteran actress adds emotional depth to some scenes that serve the film well. Mirren revels in the character as she clearly enjoys playing a tough-as-nails, no-nonsense KGB trainer. Luke Evans and Cillian Murphy put in strong turns as agents at opposite ends. But all their efforts can’t salvage a convoluted screenplay. 

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