Review of movie Genius

Poster of movie: Genius
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 24-Aug-2018( 6 years, 29 days ago)
Directed By : Anil Sharma
Production House : Deepak Mukut , Anil Sharma
Genre : Action
Lead Role : Utkarsh Sharma , Ishita Chauhan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui

 Rating: 2/5

 At one time he is a college goof ball, at another, a dashing charmer and a campus hero with top scores. Our man Vasudev Shashtri or Vasu (Utkarsh Sharma) can shoot vedic chants and bullets with equal ease, chase a speeding convoy on a bicycle with a limping foot and solve rubic cubes in record time to save lives. Director Anil Sharma mounts a huge responsibility on his son's lean shoulders to heroically outsmart everyone else including the film's villain Nawazuddin Siddiqui. For a first timer, Utkarsh delivers on many counts with his boyish charm even as the film's wobbly script falters repeatedly.

In an attempt to make a potboiler, the narrative packs in too many elements, but not all of them land. The campus romance between the young couple is glossy, but soulless. Film's debutante actress Ishita Chauhan has the glam quotient, but shows little expression to convey emotion.

There is a secret mission with dominant patriotic overtones, a slick A-team, caricature bad guys and a bunch of RAW agents who act like anxious school kids when faced with crises. Mithun Chakraborty as the National Security Advisor brings seriousness to his character, albiet a tad too much. Nawazuddin makes a grand entry but his act as a genius gone wrong is a hamfest.

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