Review of movie Hell Fest

Poster of movie: Hell Fest
Movie Name :

Hell Fest

Cinema Type : Hollywood
Release Date : 28-Sep-2018( 5 years, 279 days ago)
Directed By : Gregory Plotkin
Production House : Gale Anne Hurd,Tucker Tooley
Genre : Horror
Lead Role : Amy Forsyth, Reign Edwards, Bex Taylor-Klaus


“Hell Fest” is a pretty bad movie that makes a great case for more slashing at horror theme parks. The lighting is already menacing, no one will believe your prey as you stalk them, the rent-a-cop authority figures are inherently apathetic, and the jump scares are free. It’s the closest you can subject people to a horror potluck without being "The Cabin in the Woods." So why can’t the six writers of this story have more fun with this premise? 

It starts with the movie's fresh meat, which is represented by six pretty college-age students who giddily treat this like a night at Evil Disney. But after a slightly strange credit-sequence nightmare, there’s more focus from the script on their relationships than their personalities, give or take some haircuts. The writers bide time with 20 minutes of backstory that won’t mean anything once we get to slashin’, aside from knowing who is coupled with who. The woman who is given the most dialogue, Natalie (Amy Forsyth) is the main target, trying to work through a bashful crush on a walking blood bag named Gavin (Roby Attal) while hanging out with all of their friends at a park called Hell Fest. 

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