Review of movie Tarpan

Poster of movie: Tarpan
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 26-Apr-2019( 5 years, 261 days ago)
Directed By : Neelam R Singh
Production House : Arun Shekhar
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : Sanjay Kumar, Arun Shekhar, Nand Kishore Pant, Rahul Chauhan


 After Rajpatiya’s (Padamja Rai) father (Nand Kishore Pant) learns about the horrific crime his daughter was subjected to by a local philanderer from a dominant caste, Chander, he rushes for help to his community leader Bhaiyyaji. And who, in turn, makes it a political issue to benefit from in the upcoming elections.

The film, which is an adaptation of one of author Shivmurti’s Hindi novel, highlights the plight of a certain section of the Indian society that is still leading a dark life owing to suppression and social injustice prevalent in and around them. What starts off as a trigger, soon takes the form of a full blown war between two ethnic groups before finally becoming (as the title suggests) a tale of salvation and one man’s sacrifice for his entire community. 

‘Tarpan: The Salvation’ focuses on the ill-treatment of people on the basis of caste, among other factors, which is unfortunately still relevant but everything else about this social drama – right from the melodramatic acting and bland direction to mediocre cinematography and dated music – makes it a drag.

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