According To Matthew - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: According To Matthew
Movie Name :

According To Matthew

Cinema Type : Hollywood
Release Date : 27-Dec-2019( 5 years, 59 days ago)
Directed By : Chandran Rutnam
Production House : Chandran Rutnam
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : Jacqueline Fernandez, Alston Koch, Kian O'Grady

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The true story of a socially popular and powerful Protestant priest of St Pauls Church in Colombo, Father Matthew, who was also a well respected and sought after Exorcist, who in the late 1970's, conspired with his mistress, to murder his wife and the mistress's husband, by poisoning the victims with gradual over doses of insulin. He evaded detection owing to his standing in the community and continued fearlessly with nefarious activities.
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