Billa Pandi - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Billa Pandi
Movie Name :

Billa Pandi

Cinema Type : South Regional
Release Date : 06-Nov-2018( 6 years, 109 days ago)
Directed By : sakthi Saravana
Production House : K.C.Prabath
Genre : Action
Lead Role : Yogi Babu, Indhuja, R.K. Suresh,Chandini Tamilarasan

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Here is an official trailer of the movie "Billa Pandi". Music composed by Ilayavan. Starring R.K.Suresh the producer turned as a hero & plays the lead role of a die-hard actor Ajith Kumar fan. The film also has Vidharth, Thambi Ramaiah, Chandini & Indhuja in the pivotal roles. Directed by Raj Sethupathy.
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