Hotel Milan - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Hotel Milan
Movie Name :

Hotel Milan

Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 16-Nov-2018( 6 years, 100 days ago)
Directed By : Vishal Mishra
Production House : Haresh Patel
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : jaideep Ahlawat, Kunal Roy Kapur

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Presenting the official trailer of Hotel Milan, movie releases on 14th September 2018.Vipul (Kunaal Roy Kapur), his girlfriend, Shaheen (Karishma Sharma) and his friend, Saurabh (Zeishan Quadri) start a hotel that charges its guests on an hourly basis. The hotel attracts many lovers, who are looking for a place to spend time with each other. However, Goldie Kaushik (Jaideep Ahlawat) of Aam bhakt party's Youth Wing and the Anti-Romeo Squad hate the existence of Hotel Milan.
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