ISHQ TERA - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: ISHQ TERA
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 27-Apr-2018( 6 years, 302 days ago)
Directed By : Jojo D'Souza
Production House : Deepak Bandekar
Genre : Romance
Lead Role : Hrishitaa Bhatt , Mohit Madaan, Mozhgan Taraneh

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Presenting Official Trailer of the upcoming Hindi Bollywood Movie "Ishq Tera", featuring Hrishitaa Bhatt and Mohit MadaanStar Cast:Mohit Madaan, Hrishitaa Bhatt, Mozhgan Taraneh, Shahbaz Khan, Aman Verma, Ganesh Yadav, Manoj Pawha, Salil Naik, Manju Sharma, Pyumori Mehta Ghosh, Ujjwal Gauraha,
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