Ispade Rajavum Idhaya Raniyum - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Ispade Rajavum Idhaya Raniyum
Movie Name :

Ispade Rajavum Idhaya Raniyum

Cinema Type : South Regional
Release Date : 15-Mar-2019( 5 years, 346 days ago)
Directed By : Ranjit Jeyakodi
Production House : Balaji Kapa
Genre : Romance
Lead Role : Makapa Anand, Harish Kalyan, Shilpa Manjunath

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#IspadeRajavumIdhayaRaniyum | Ispade Rajavum Idhaya Raniyum is an upcoming New Gen Love Story Written and Directed by #RanjitJeyakodi. The film stars #HarishKalyan and #ShilpaManjunath while Ma Ka Pa Anand and Bala Saravanan play the supportive roles. #SamCS has scored music for the film while editing is done by Bavan Sreekumar and cinematography is handled by Kavin Raj.
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