Kin - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Kin
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Hollywood
Release Date : 14-Jun-2019( 5 years, 256 days ago)
Directed By : Jonathan Baker, Josh Baker
Production House : Jeff Arkuss,Dan Cohen,David Gross,Shawn Levy,Jesse Shapira
Genre : Action
Lead Role : James Franco, Zoë Kravitz, Carrie Coon

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KIN, a pulse-pounding crime thriller with a sci-fi twist, is the story of an unexpected hero destined for greatness. Chased by a vengeful criminal (James Franco) and a gang of otherworldly soldiers,​ a recently released ex-con (Jack Reynor) and his adopted teenage brother (Myles Truitt) are forced to go on the run with a weapon of mysterious origin as their only protection.
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