Merku Thodarchi Malai - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Merku Thodarchi Malai
Movie Name :

Merku Thodarchi Malai

Cinema Type : South Regional
Release Date : 24-Aug-2018( 6 years, 184 days ago)
Directed By : Leninbharati
Production House : Vijay Sethupathi
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : Antony, Gayatri Krishnan

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Rangasamy, a laborer living on the borders of Kerala and Tamil Nadu just like his fellow sons of soils toils, hard-working at the spice plantations owned by landlords. Whilst Rangasamy is content with his life, he yearns to own a piece of land and earn a living by farming. After years of struggle, his dream finally comes true when Chacko, a local politician helps him buy the land, however, he soon faces tougher challenges as he has to deal with corrupt and wealthy politicians.
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