Mission Mangal - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Mission Mangal
Movie Name :

Mission Mangal

Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 09-Aug-2019( 5 years, 199 days ago)
Directed By : Jagan Shakti
Production House : Akshay Kumar, R. Balki
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : Akshay Kumar ,Vidya Balan ,Taapsee Pannu ,Nithya Menen, Sonakshi Sinha

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“If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L means First Attempt In Learning” Wise words by Dr. Kalam which became a motto for the team behind Mission Mangal. It is an incredible story of some of the finest scientists of our country who chose to rise above all the hardships and failures to make India the only country who reached Mars in its first attempt. This is a story of relentless effort.
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