Nawabzaade - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Nawabzaade
Movie Name :


Cinema Type : Bollywood
Release Date : 27-Jul-2018( 6 years, 212 days ago)
Directed By : Jayesh Pradhan
Production House : Lizelle D'souza, Mayur K. Barot,
Genre : Comedy
Lead Role : Punit Pathak, Dharmesh Yelande

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T-films presents in association with R.D. Entertainment, brings to you the upcoming Bollywood romantic comedy 'NAWABZAADE' OFFICIAL TRAILER. The movie features Raghav Juyal, Punit J Pathak, Isha Rikhi and Dharmesh Yelande in leading roles. Nawabzaade is directed By Jayesh Pradhan, produced by Lizelle Dsouza & Mayur K Barot (White Measure Entertainment ) and written by Pradeep Singh.Movie Releasing on ► 27th July 2018
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