Pariyerum Perumal - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Pariyerum Perumal
Movie Name :

Pariyerum Perumal

Cinema Type : South Regional
Release Date : 28-Sep-2018( 6 years, 149 days ago)
Directed By : Mari Selvaraj
Production House : Pa. Ranjith
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : Anandhi, Kathir,Yogi babu

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#PariyerumPerumalTeaser | #PariyerumPerumal is an Indian Tamil drama film written and directed by Mari Selvaraj. Produced by #PaRanjith, the film stars #Kathir and #Anandhi in the leading roles, with Yogi babu in a supporting role. The film features music composed by #SanthoshNarayanan. Teaser subtitle by Jeny Dolly.
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