Raja Ranguski - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Raja Ranguski
Movie Name :

Raja Ranguski

Cinema Type : South Regional
Release Date : 21-Sep-2018( 6 years, 155 days ago)
Directed By : Dharani Dharan
Production House : Dharani Dharan
Genre : Mystery
Lead Role : Shirish, Chandini, Kalloori Vinoth

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RajaRanguskiTrailer | Raja Ranguski is a Tamil film directed by Dharanidharan, starring  MetroShirish and Chandini Tamilarasan in the leading roles. The film also starrs Anupa Kumar, Kallori Vinod and Jayakumar in the lead roles. The film features music composed by  YuvanShankarRaja. The film also marks the debut of young editor Shafiq who has worked with Vivek Harshan.
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