Sandakozhi 2 - movie's latest trailer

Trailer of movie: Sandakozhi 2
Movie Name :

Sandakozhi 2

Cinema Type : South Regional
Release Date : 18-Oct-2018( 6 years, 129 days ago)
Directed By : N. Linguswamy
Production House : Akshay Gada,Jayantilal Gada,Vishal
Genre : Drama
Lead Role : Vishal, Keerthi Suresh, Rajkiran

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Vishal strikes back even harder and fierce in ‘Sandakozhi 2’ the sequel to the mighty blockbuster released earlier. Directed by Linguswamy , the film also stars Rajkiran, #KeerthySuresh and Varalaxmi Sarathumar in pivotal roles. With music by #YuvanshankarRaja , gear up for this riveting action drama coming your way real soon!
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