President Trump comes on top for "idiot" in Google image search

President Trump comes on top for "idiot" in Google image search

Why American President Mr. Trump coming on top when you search "idiot" in Google image search

President Trump comes on top for "idiot" in Google image search
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News source City News, Toronto

Google image search seems to suggest that people the world over agree on a single word they can associate with the U.S. president: idiot.

Giovanni Paola, senior manager of search engine optimization (SEO) at Rogers says internet users are influencing Google’s algorithm to create the result.

Google searches do tend to present different results depending on where in the world you are, but the “Trump-idiot” connection seems to hold true in several countries.

CityNews found similar results were seen in the following cities:

  • Mumbai, India
  • Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • Dubai, UAE
  • Edinburgh, U.K.
  • London, U.K.
  • Sao Paolo, Brazil
  • Singapore

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